Quests for Teenagers in Cherkasy
How to distract a teenager from the computer? To acquaint with one of the favorite types of entertainment, but only in reality. After all, quests in reality, escape rooms, came out of the computer shell!
Quests for teenagers are good because children can complete them without the participation of adults: they will spend an hour as heroes of their favorite books and films alone with themselves, their friends and interesting puzzles.
Квесты для подростков в Черкассах
- You are a group of scientists who woke up in a secret Umbrella laboratoryAddRemovePerformanceQuarantineto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- After a successful escape from the first prison, your team decided to relax in an Irish pubAddRemoveQuestPrison Break: The Second Walkerto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–7
- You play the role of journalists who investigate strange incidents in a mental hospitalAddRemoveQuestShock Therapyto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Shock Therapy
- You will have to follow in the footsteps of businessman, who was placed in a psychiatric hospitalAddRemoveQuestPsychiatric No. 6to comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
Psychiatric No. 6
- You will be lucky enough to see the rabbit hole with your own eyesAddRemoveQuestAlice in Adventurelandto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
- You are a group of forensic volunteers from the futureAddRemoveQuestMind gameto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
Mind game
- You are in the laboratory of scientists who have managed to invent a gas that turns people into insectsAddRemoveQuestAbandoned Laboratoryto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
Abandoned Laboratory
- Better book another room...AddRemoveQuestHotel Room 1408to comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
Hotel Room 1408
- The villain Thanos achieved his main goal and used the gauntlet of infinity, after which half of the living creatures in the universe and all superheroes disappearedAddRemoveQuestAvengers: Rescue Missionto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- Darkness can be both kind and intimidatingAddRemoveAction GameHide and Seekto comparefrom compare
12+ 4–15
Hide and Seek
Action Game
- Winter is here and with it the White WalkersAddRemoveQuestThrone Mysteryto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
Throne Mystery
- You won't take a single step in 60 minutes...AddRemoveQuestMechanicumto comparefrom compare
14+ 4–4
- Великий Шерлок Холмс обмовив Моріарті і зараз перебуває на допиті в Скотленд-Ярді. Доля Лондона під загрозою!AddRemoveQuestSherlockto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–5
- Nerf is a fast-paced team game featuring blastersAddRemoveAction GameNerf Battleto comparefrom compare
12+ 4–8
Nerf Battle
Action Game
- Your task is to follow in the footsteps of the mentor, to understand what discovery the professor managed to make, and most importantly, to get out safe and soundAddRemoveQuestMystery of the Pyramidto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
- In the entire history of Shawshank Prison, there has only been one escape from here. Are you ready to repeat this feat?AddRemoveQuestThe Shawshank Redemptionto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–5
- You have an ancient notebook, it will help you. Follow the hints in it!AddRemoveQuestThe last pharaohto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–4
The last pharaoh
- The phone booth will become a portal and take you to the walls of the school of magic and witchcraftAddRemoveQuestBack to Hogwartsto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Back to Hogwarts
- All Hogwarts students who disagree with the opinion of the new director Dolores Umbridge are put in a dungeonAddRemoveQuestHogwarts Dungeonto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–6
Hogwarts Dungeon
- You are a team of young scientists who are studying unknown facts from the life of Leonardo da VinciAddRemoveQuestThe Da Vinci Codeto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–5
The Da Vinci Code
- Ваша детская мечта стать знаменитым охотником за сокровищами начала воплощаться в жизньAddRemoveQuestТайна джунглейto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–4
Тайна джунглей Closed
- It's a scary and dark place. An ancient evil called the Dark Entity lives hereAddRemovePerformanceDark Essenceto comparefrom compare
14+ 1–8
Dark Essence Closed
- This is a survival game where only one team will surviveAddRemoveAction GameLast Dveto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–8
Last Dve Closed
Action Game
- Ваша команда отправляется в затерянный город Майя на поиски сокровищ и попадает в ловушку древнего племени...AddRemoveQuestПроклятие сокровищ Майяto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–4
Проклятие сокровищ Майя Closed
- Игроки надевают тюремную форму и вживаются в роль особо опасных преступников. Совершить побег поможет только хитрость и сплоченность команды, а также подсказки тюремной братвы.AddRemoveQuestПобег из Тюрьмыto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–4
Побег из Тюрьмы Closed
- As it became known to special intelligence, a series of terrorist attacks called Cobra is being prepared in the worldAddRemoveQuestCobra Attackto comparefrom compare
12+ 2–6
Cobra Attack Closed
- Вас собрали здесь вместе, потому что вы лучшие из лучших в своем деле!AddRemoveQuestУкрасть за 60 минутto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
Украсть за 60 минут Closed
- Сумеете ли вы разоблачить опасного шпиона?AddRemoveQuestСекретная миссияto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
Секретная миссия Closed
- Сможете ли вы спасти жертву, которая замкнет чертову дюжину?AddRemoveQuestТриллер 12to comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
Триллер 12 Closed
- А вы давно путешествовали во времени?AddRemoveQuestНазад в будущееto comparefrom compare
14+ 2–5
Назад в будущее Closed